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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-2 | Issue-09
Management of infected, recurrent and non-metastatic malignant tumor phyllodes
Khalid Guelzim, Houda Fagouri, Abdelah Babahabib, Jaouad Kouach, Driss Rahali Moussaoui, Mohamed Dehayni
Published: Dec. 30, 2014 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2014.v02i09.017
Pages: 643-646
Phyllodes tumors of the breast (PTB), also termed phyllodes tumors, are rare tumors (<0.5% of all breast tumors), comprised of both stromal and epithelial elements. They are graded by the use of a set of histologic features into benign, borderline, and malignant subtypes. The mainstay of treatment of non-metastatic phyllodes tumors of the breast is complete surgical resection with wide resection margins. Several predictive factors of recurrence and metastases have been described in the literature, such as positive surgical margins, increased stromal cellularity, stromal overgrowth, stromal atypia and increased mitotic activity. There is no proven benefit of radiation or chemotherapy, although radiotherapy may be useful in selected cases. We present a case of three episodes of recurrence in a malignant phyllodes tumor.