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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-2 | Issue-10
Situation analysis of National Anti Malaria Programme in a district of Karnataka
Ramesh Holla, Kishore SG, Praveen Kulkarni, Koradhanyamath DM
Published: Dec. 30, 2014 | 193 161
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2014.v02i10.009
Pages: 704-708
Malaria continues to pose a major public health threat to the entire world. To mitigate the problem of vector borne diseases in the country Government of India launched a national programme called National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme (NVBDCP) in the year 2003-04. The present evaluation was carried out in one of the endemic districts of northern Karnataka with an objective of assessing the various programmatic aspects of anti malaria activities implemented at the district level. As per ROHFW guidelines 4 clusters (three from rural setting and one from urban setting) have to be selected for the purpose of NAMP evaluation, three talukas and one ward in the study district were selected randomly. Investigators visited the houses and interview was conducted with the adult responsible respondent aged between 18-60 years by using a structured survey proforma. Totally 207 houses were covered with minimum of 50 houses in each cluster. Except Cluster C, all the clusters had API of less than 2 per 1000 population per year whereas Cluster C had API of 2.14 per 1000 population per year. ABER of cluster A was found to be very low at 4.11% which is lower than the target set by the NVBDCP. Out of 25 members who had fever in the last fortnight, peripheral blood smear was collected from only 2 fever victims (8%) by the health care worker. More than three fourth of the total houses surveyed do not use bed nets while sleeping (n= 170, 82.1%). The anti malaria strategies of NVBDCP in the present district need to be focused in terms of implementation, monitoring, supervision and achieving the target at PHC/ ward level.