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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-2 | Issue-10
A Research on The Incidence of Linguofacial Trunk Arising From External Carotid Artery in Adult Cadavers
Dr. Abhijeet Yadav,Dr. Mukul Yadav, Dr. Asha Dixit
Published: Dec. 30, 2014 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2014.v02i10.010
Pages: 709-710
The common carotid arteries are the major source of blood supply to the region of head and neck. Normally external carotid artery gives eight branches in the region of neck. In our present study , we have dissected all the branches of external carotid artery and we researched about the variation in facial and lingual artery specifically ,the linguofacial trunk. This variation is important for surgeons in head and neck surgeries. The objective is to know the incidence of this variation in Indians so that the surgeons and radiologists can be benefitted by this knowledge .The routine dissection steps were followed that are normally undertaken for dissecting blood vessels in the head and neck region. It is found that 4 cadavers (15.38 %) had unilateral linguofacial trunk and only one (3.8%) had bilateral linguofacial trunk out of the twenty six cadavers dissected . In conclusion, knowledge about this variation is of utmost importance to anatomists, surgeons and radiologists.