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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-2 | Issue-11
Finger Prosthesis Made Easy: A Case Report
Mallikarjuna Ragher, Aishwarya Chatterjee, Sanketsopan Patil, Debopriya Chatterjee, Vidya Bhat, Savita Dandekeri, Pradeep M R, Ashwini Shetty
Published: Dec. 30, 2014 | 151 137
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2014.v02i11.020
Pages: 841-844
Hand is a body part which is of major importance for communication, body language and social contact along with its basic function of grasping and feeling. Finger and partial finger amputations are some of the most frequently encountered forms of partial hand loss. It causes devastating physical, psychosocial instability and economic damage to an individual. Rehabilitation of amputed finger is of utmost importance and the first choice is microvascular reconstruction. But when surgical reconstruction in patients is not possible contraindicated, unavailable, unsuccessful or unaffordable, the prosthetic rehabilitation becomes an alternative in order to improve the psychological status of an individual. A well fitted and colour matched finger prosthesis eliminates the constant reminder of the disability; make a patient feel a capable person and not a handicap. It should be provided as soon as possible to raise the spirits and ease the mind of the afflicted. Modern well fabricated silicone finger prosthesis can be life-like and can assist the amputee in returning to society, socially as well as psychologically.