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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-2 | Issue-12
Seasonal tetraspores shedding and diurnal periodicity in Padina tetrastromatica Hauck. (Phaeophyceae) along the Visakhapatnam coast, East coast of India
Appa Rao, D, Subba Rangaiah, G and Lavanya, J
Published: Dec. 30, 2014 | 156 128
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2014.v02i12.015
Pages: 920-924
Studies on the tetraspores shedding were made for a period of one and half year from August 1993 to January 1995 in Padina tetrastromatica Hauck growing along the Visakhapatnam coast. Experiments were conducted on the seasonal spore producing capacities and diurnal aspects of tetraspores shedding. The spore shedding in this brown alga with peak shedding of tetraspores in the month of February. Diurnal periodicity was observed with peak output of tetraspores between 06:00 and 10:00 hours in all eight months of the year of its occurrence on the coast without any shift in the peak shedding.