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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-2 | Issue-12
Changes of anthocyanin, vitamin C content and antioxidant activities of purple cabbage pickle during fermentation process
Weiqin Li, Shaoying Zhang, Qinya Li
Published: Dec. 30, 2014 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2014.v02i12.016
Pages: 925-929
Pickle was made using the purple cabbage as raw material to ferment, and the changes of anthocyanin, vitamin C content and antioxidant activities of purple cabbage pickle during fermentation process were investigated. The results showed that with the extension of fermentation time, anthocyanin content decreased, and vitamin C content first increased and then decreased. With regard to antioxidant activity, DPPH radical scavenging ability and reducing power decreased, but Fe2+ chelating activity increased with fermentation time extention. From the nutrition perspective, it was suggested that purple cabbage pickle should be eaten as early as possible.