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Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-05
Comparing the Chlorhexidine Gluconate and Minocycline Hydrochloride as Local Drug Delivery Agents in the Management of Chronic Periodontitis
Nishu Vakil, Kimpreet Kaur, Jyotsna Goyal
Published: May 18, 2019 | 138 125
DOI: 10.36347/sjds.2019.v06i05.001
Pages: 253-256
Background: The idea of local delivery of antibacterial agents into periodontal pockets was developed to overcome the disadvantages of systemic antibiotic therapy. Aim: To compare the usefulness of chlorhexidine gluconate 2.5 mg and Minocycline hydrochloride 1 mg as local drug delivery agents in the management of chronic periodontitis. Methods: Group A received Chlorhexidine gluconate 2.5 mg and group B Minocycline hydrochloride. Follow up visits were made after 6 weeks and 3 months intervals from the visit zero to capture the plaque index, gingival index and probing depth. Results: Plaque scores were noted higher in both groups at 6 weeks as compared to 3 months. At 6 weeks scores were higher in group A and vice versa at 3 months. Gingival index scores were noted higher in both groups at baseline and reduced overtime in both the groups. At baseline and 6 weeks scores were higher in group A than group B. Mean probing depth were noted more in both groups at baseline as compared to 6 weeks and 3 months. At baseline and 6 weeks scores were higher in group A and vice versa at 3 months. Conclusion: Both chlorhexidine gluconate and Minocycline hydrochloride were equally efficacious in reducing the plaque scores and mean gingival index scores. For probing depths, minocycline was better at 6 weeks whereas chlorhexidine showed better results at 3 months.