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Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-05
Surgical Management of an Inflammatory Cyst with Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF)
Dr. Avinash Rathore, Dr. Vishnu V Venugopal, Dr. Gourab Mitra, Dr. Anoop Kumar Dixit , Dr. Shivangi Rathore
Published: May 30, 2019 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjds.2019.v06i05.007
Pages: 278-283
Radicular cysts are most common inflammatory jaw cysts found at the apices of teeth with infected and necrotic pulps. It involves the apex of carious tooth mostly. It is a true cyst, since the lesion consists of pathologic cavity lined by epithelium and is often fluid filled. Radicular cyst which develops subsequent to extraction is termed as residual cyst. Cyst can be managed surgically, or non-surgically. Many surgeons have different views on its management, however choice of treatment depends on site and size of cyst. The present case is a characteristic radicular cyst which was successfully managed with root canal therapy (RCT) along with surgical enucleation and placement of platelet rich fibrin (PRF), and apicectomy of the affected tooth.