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Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-05
Effect of Sea Buckthorn Oil (Hippophae Rhamnoides L) As an Adjunct in Management of Chronic Periodontitis Subjects
Dr. Nishu Vakil,Dr. Kirandeep Kour Raina,Dr. Sana Tafseer,Dr. Shakir Ali,Dr. Balbir Kaur
Published: May 30, 2019 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjds.2019.v06i05.010
Pages: 292-295
Background: Medicinal and pharmacological properties of sea buckthorn have been investigated in a few in vitro and in vivo models but very limited in clinical studies. Aim: To test the efficacy of sea buckthorn oil as an adjunct in management of subjects having chronic periodontitis. Methods: In this study, seventy six adult patients visiting the dental hospital for seeking care for chronic periodontitis. Patients recieving sea buckthorn oil capsules with standard treatment were allotted to test group (group I) and others who subjected to standard treatment alone were allotted to control group (group II). Patients of both the groups were recalled after 3 weeks for assessment as Plaque Index (PI), Gingival Index (GI), Bleeding on Probing (BOP), Clinical attachment level (CAL) and Pocket probing depth (PPD). Results: At the end of 3 weeks, mean plaque index was found to be higher in Group I (1.21± 0.22) as compared to Group II (1.11± 0.18). Similarly mean bleeding on probing index was found to be more in Group I (31.36± 10.03) as compared to Group II (30.02± 9.64). Contrary to this, mean gingival index and Pocket probing depth were found to be higher in Group II as compared to group I (1.18± 0.73, 2.75± 1.85 Vs 1.14± 0.69, 2.18± 1.38). Conclusion: Sea buckthorn oil carries potential as an adjunct in management of subjects having chronic periodontitis as statistically significant difference in mean pocket probing depth at 3 weeks was observed between the study and test groups.