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Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-07
Comparison of selected cephalometric values of Steiner’s and Down’s analysis of Tamil Dravidian children aged 7 to 12 years with Caucasian population – A cross sectional study
Shanmugaavel AK, Sujatha S ,Thiruvenkadam G,Deepa Gurunathan
Published: July 30, 2019 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjds.2019.v06i07.007
Pages: 356-360
Aim: Different ethnic groups have different facial profile characteristics. The aim of the study was to compare the selected Steiner’s and Down’s norms of cephalo-metric values of Tamil Dravidian children aged 7 to 12 years with the Caucasian population. Materials and methods: This cephalometric study was conducted in Tamil Dravidian children (56 boys and 54 girls) with acceptable facial profile and occlusion within the age range of 7 to 12 years. The study was carried out by means of digitalized Steiner’s and Down’s analysis. The analysis was done independently by two calibrated pediatric dentists who were blinded to the age and sex of the children. All measurements were tabulated and mean values of the groups were compared by Student t test in SPSS V 22. The intraobserver reliability was calculated by intraclass correlation and the level of significance was set at p value < 0.05. Results: There was a highly significant difference (p < 0.0001) in the combined mean values of Steiner’s (SNB, ANB, SN/ML) and Down’s (Facial angle, convexity, Y axis) analysis when Dravidian children values were compared with the Caucasian standards. No significant difference was noted between boys and girls. Conclusion: The Tamil Dravidian children have a retrognathic mandible, convex facial profile and vertical growth pattern when compared to the Caucasian population. No sexual dimorphism was noted between the Tamil Dravidian children.