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Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-08
Community Service Program Custom Eye Service for Eye Patient Communities in Sumatera Eye Center (SMEC)
Putri Welda Utami Ritonga,Juliana Irm
Published: Aug. 29, 2019 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjds.2019.v06i08.002
Pages: 364-367
The loss of eyeball can be caused due to congenital, trauma and pathological. This biological change can affect the muscles around the eye socket and the eyelids which will then affect the appearance and decrease movement of the eyelids and increase the suspicibility of the eye socket against dangerous foreign objects, so that proper care is needed. Surgical procedures for cases of eyeball loss can be classified into 3 types, namely eviseration, enucleation and exenteration. Eviseration is done for the installation of the stock eye and custom eye, while for enucleation is done for only custom eye. The problems faced by patients after enucleation and eviseration at the Sumatra Eye Center are related to BPJS that does not cover the cost of installing custom eyes or stock eyes, also the difficulty of finding a stock eye that suits with the condition of post enucleation and eviseration of the eye sockets, and the lack of information on the competence of prosthodontic dentists who are able to make custom eyes. Through community service such as custom eye service, counseling about the making of custom eyes conducted by prosthodontic specialists and about increasing self-confidence in patients which ultimately aims to improve the quality of life of the patients. By making custom eyes that suits with the anatomy of the patient's eye socket in patients who have lost their eyeballs, even though the custom eye cannot restore visual function, it is expected to overcome functional, social and psychological impacts so that the quality of life of the patient becomes better.