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Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-09
Education in Dental Public Health and Geriatric Dentistry in the Northern European Dental Hygiene Schools
Lina Stangvaltaite-Mouhat, Kirsten Solemdal, Eeva Widström
Published: Sept. 20, 2019 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjds.2019.v06i09.002
Pages: 382-389
The aim of this study was to survey to what extent dental public health (DPH) and geriatric dentistry (GD) were taught at dental hygiene schools (DHSs) in the Northern European countries with focus on the content, teaching methods, out-reach activities, assessment forms and desired changes. A questionnaire with structured and open questions was sent to the director’s office of all DHSs in the Northern European countries (two DHSs in Denmark, four in Finland, seven in Sweden, four in Norway). Eleven DHSs responded (65%). All responding DHSs recognized DPH and GD subjects in their programs. DPH was taught as a separate discipline in seven and GD in eight DHSs. In the rest, DHSs subjects were covered by other courses. The contents were ambiguous. Besides traditional lectures and seminars, most DHSs provided problem-based learning, online courses, case presentations, writing essays, quizzes and various exercises, e.g. teaching other discipline students. All schools provided out-reach activities. Four schools had a separate examination in DPH and eight in GD. Five included DPH in examinations in other disciplines. Three schools recorded DPH and seven GD in the final diploma. The respondents felt that DPH should be taught to their students together with dental students. Study tours abroad to learn how oral health care and preventive work was organized were suggested. In GD more collaboration with other health care professionals was desired. DPH and GD were seen as important disciplines in the Northern European DHSs as these fields represented the main activities of dental hygienists today.