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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-8 | Issue-07
Access to and Use of Information on Environmental Issues by Farmers in Kiambu County
Wambui Phyllis Wagacha, Cephas Odini
Published: July 18, 2020 | 294 266
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2020.v08i07.004
Pages: 361-368
Research in Kiambu County reveals farmers’ information needs on environmental information issues, information accessibility and use on the same, which impact agricultural production. Farmers in this county produce dairy products, cash crops like tea, coffee and pyrethrum and a mixture of food crops. The paper focuses on climate change, global warming, weather and seasonal changes, their effects on land use and hence implications on agricultural productivity, yields, cropping practices, crop diseases, etc. The study investigates specific environmental information issues: specificity of needs; information sources; information usage; variety of channels of access; and challenges to access. The study sampled 150 farmers, 18 to 55 years, selected randomly: population 897, in 28 cooperatives. A descriptive research design was applied with Stratified Random Sampling technique. Face-to-face interviews and semi-structured questionnaires were used. On specificity of needs, findings show information on seasonal variation was by far the most sought after. On sources, Government was the principal source. Other key suppliers by rank were: Cooperatives, Audio media, NGOs and Churches. On usage, important drivers were: when to plant, which crops, and managing soil erosion, and proper food storage. Usage information access (as collateral effect) helps farmers in tree planting. By channels of information delivery, Barazas are most important by far, followed by Audio/media (radio and television). The study recommends increased information; that the government develops a national strategic framework for information access to promote agricultural production, income generation, and for improved livelihoods.