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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-8 | Issue-08
Concept of Harmony in the Vision of Our Ancient Seers and its Relevance to Combat the Present Pandemic
Dr. Paromita Roy
Published: Aug. 30, 2020 | 163 160
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2020.v08i08.004
Pages: 420-424
Material affluence and technological progress have no doubt enabled man to enjoy the comforts of his life but in the process of material gain, man has somewhat transformed himself into a machine. Alienation from nature and greater propensity to rule the whole world has brought more harm to the life of man than gain. The question of nature’s crisis in the form of global warming and above all the present pandemic is raising questions about human activity over the planet. Suffering in general known as adhidaivika or that caused by natural disasters on greater investigation reveal human intervention. Can superiority in existence mean human domination and exploitation of natural resources? The present pandemic is raising serious questions about human activity on this planet. Hence, it is high time that we look back to the age old wisdom as latent in our ancient scriptures. With this intention the article tries to unveil the lofty ideals of the Upaniṣads and also attempts to remember the words of Swami Vivekananda as to how the concept of harmony envisioned by our seers is relevant to settle the present crisis. The idea of Spiritual Unification is the medicine to settle discords and disharmony in the outer world. Our scriptures teach us that we are all parts of the Divine Reality. Only with such Divine Revelation can we build a harmonious and peaceful world.