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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-8 | Issue-09
Ekphrasis as Discourse Semiotic Blending of Differing Art Media Texts
Kira Andreeva
Published: Sept. 17, 2020 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2020.v08i09.004
Pages: 449-458
The paper introduced innovative approach to ekphrasis connected with the new interest of scholars to it at the time of continuing studies of different art media forms. The notion of ekphrasis was well known since the time of ancient rhetoric, but at present it needed corrections due to the new reality of multiplicity of artistic semiotic representations of the same phenomenon in different ways. The aim of this article was to explore and prove the validity of reconsidering the changed status of ekphrasis. In this study it was recognized as a complex dynamic semiotic phenomenon born in the result of fusion of two semantically identical, but formally different representations of the same artifact by different art media forms. The empirical part of the research was provided by the English translation of G. Leroux’s novel: “The Phantom of the Opera” and corresponding, in content, paintings. The image of the main character was chosen as the goal of the study. Innovative interdisciplinary tools were chosen for comparative research. Results confirmed the principal validity of the research.