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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-05
Prevalence of Transfusion Transmitted Disease among Blood Donors in SreeBalaji Medical College and Hospital - A 2 Years Study Report
Dr. NooriFathima. M, Dr. B.O. Parijatham, Dr. R.Govindarajan
Published: May 27, 2016 | 65 57
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2016.v04i05.004
Pages: 1453-1454
The aim of the study was to find out the prevalence of transfusion transmitted infection among blood donors at SreeBalaji Medical College and Hospital.A total of voluntary blood donors were analyzed over a period of 2 years (May 2013-April 2015). Prevalence of transfusion transmitted infectionof total donors were 3356.Prevalance of Hepatitis B positivity was highest 40cases (1.19%),followed by11cases of HCV(0.32%),8 cases of VDRL (0.23%) and one caseof HIV(0.02%).Prevalencewas more in male donors.Extensive donor selection and screening procedures will help in improving the blood safety.