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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-05
Mermaid Syndrome (Sirenomelia): With Use of Mifepristone and Misoprostol in Early First Trimester with Failed Medical Abortion and Continuing Pregnancy in A Multipara with Bad Obstetric History
Dr Dhan Raj Bagri, Dr R. K. Gupta, Dr. Priyanshu Mathur, Dr Rahul Mittal
Published: May 28, 2016 | 59 47
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2016.v04i05.026
Pages: 1574-1576
Mermaid syndrome (Sirenomelia) is a congenital structural anomaly characterized by an abnormal development of the caudal region of the body with different degrees of fusion of the lower extremities giving them the appearance of a mermaid's tail; resembling the mermaid of Greek mythology. This deformity is also known as Symmelia, Symposia, Sympus, Uromelia and Monopodia. It is a rare congenital deformity with an incidence of approximately 1case per one lakh births with male: female ratio of 3:1.The precise aetiology is not known but diabetes, genetic, irradiation and teratogenic factors are often incriminated. We are reporting a case of mermaid syndrome associated with unsuccessful medical abortion after Mifepristone and Misoprostol used at 6thwk of gestation in a multipara with bad obstetric history which is probably the first such case in our knowledge.