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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-05
Maternal and Fetal Outcome in Referred Patients to Tertiary Care Center
Dr Gupta Priyanka Rohit, Dr. Chaudhari ShilpaNitin, Dr. Gonnade Nikita Vasantrao
Published: May 29, 2016 | 47 45
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2016.v04i05.035
Pages: 1624-1631
The objective was to study the referred obstetric cases for appropriateness and timeliness of referral and to study the maternal and perinatal outcome. Design was Prospective Observational study. The study population in this study All referred cases >28weeks of gestation from periphery to tertiary care institute in one year duration. The inclusion inclusion criteriawere referred ANC cases to our tertiary care institute >28 weeks of gestation. The total numbers of referred cases in above study period were 1468. Selections of cases were done by systematic sampling technique. The proportion of referral cases to the tertiary care institute is 15.37%. In present study, there was unavailability of ambulance in 69.34% of cases for transport. Major causes of maternal deaths were hypertensive disorders mainly eclampsia. There were 40(2.68%) maternal mortalities in present study. 17.57% of all neonates had low birth weight in this study. In present study, 10.01% babies were still births and 14.9% were preterm. Total NICU admission rate was 16.55%. Neonatal mortality documented in present study was 4.08%. In conclusion the present study has shown that inadequate antenatal &intranatal care at the periphery level is responsible for increased maternal & perinatal morbidity and mortality. Even today, hypertensive disorder is the leading cause of maternal mortality. health education to the community, better antenatal care up to grass root level, emergency intranatal care, availability of services of skilled birth attendants at the time of child birth, well organized first referral centre with better transportation facility, availability of blood round the clock, anesthetic facilities & availability of specialist in the field of obstetrics at the referral unit will definitely reduce maternal & perinatal morbidity & mortality.