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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-8 | Issue-09
The Extent of Involvement of Educators in the Formulation of National Education Policies in the Midlands Province of Zimbabwe
Willard Nyathi, Caxton Shonhiwa
Published: Sept. 25, 2020 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2020.v08i09.010
Pages: 495-500
The aim of the present study was to establish the role played by educators in the formulation of education policies in the Midlands Province in Zimbabwe. The study employed the quantitative methodology and adopted the descriptive survey design. The population was made up of all the teachers, heads of schools, education inspectors, district education officers as well as teacher union leaders. The Midlands Province has an establishment of plus or minus 18000 educators. The sample consisted of 440 educators made up of 350 classroom practitioners, 68 heads of schools, 3 District Schools Inspectors, 9 Education Inspectors and 10 union leaders selected using stratified random sampling. Data were collected using the questionnaire and interviews. The study revealed that policies are made, revised, implemented and abolished on a continuous basis with little or no input from educators. Policy-makers do not involve educators in the policy-making process because they believe that they do not have the capacity to meaningfully contribute during the policy-formulation process the study recommends that the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education should consult educators widely on matters concerning policy making if policies are to be implemented without antagonism and resistance.