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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-05
Comparison of Polyglactin 910 Rapide versus Chromic catgut for episiotomy repair
Seehra Neha, Vyas Jyotsna, khicharmoolchand, Saini Neetu, Rajoria Lata
Published: May 31, 2016 | 49 57
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2016.v04i05.069
Pages: 1786-1790
With the objective of comparing the efficacy of polyglactin 910 rapide in continuous locking technique versus chromic catgut in interrupted technique for episiotomy repair regarding perineal pain, analgesic requirement, healing status & dyspareunia , 140 primigravida patients admitted to the hospital for delivery were divided in 2 groups ; one group (cases) underwent episiotomy repair with Polyglactin 910 rapide in continuous layer & other group (controls) with chromic catgut in interrupted layer. Outcomes measured in terms of time & number of suture material required for episiotomy repair, intensity of perineal pain, need for analgesia, healing status & resumption of pain free intercourse. Suturing with Polyglactin 910 rapide was associated with less perineal pain & analgesic requirement , a better wound healing & early resumption of pain free intercourse in post partum period when compared with Chromic catgut . Mean time & number of suture material required for episiotomy repair was less in repair with PG 910 rapide in continuous suturing technique.Polyglactin 910 rapide in continuous technique is ideal for episiotomy repair which results in less perineal pain, a better wound healing and earlier resumption of pain free intercourse. Also repair with continuous suture is quicker & less suture material is required.