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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-6 | Issue-01
Diversity of Phytotelmic Mosquito is Not Correlated with the Diversity of Phytotelmata: A Survey Report from Lampung, Indonesia
Emantis Rosa, Santi Naumi Simangunsong, Mohammad Kanedi
Published: Jan. 30, 2018 | 242 175
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2018.v06i01.004
Pages: 22-27
Statistical records released by Lampung provincial health officials that incidence of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) mostly occur in January to February each year, the question is what factors and conditions contribute to such fenomenon? Current work intended to investigate whether the DHF incidence relates to the seasonal diversity of phytotelmata and mosquito larvae inhabit such small ponds. Three neighboring districts, ranked the top three for the DHF annual incident rate in Lampung province, were included in the study. The survey was carried out on February, March, May and June 2016. February is the peak of rainy season in which DHF incidence was at the highest level, while June is the beginning of dry season. The criteria of phytotelmata used in the study were every structures present in plants which allow rain water to impound which visually showed the signs of life in it. Phytotelmata found to contain larvae of Aedes mosquitoes then prepared for further analysis and the data are presented descriptively. There were 25 plant species found to presenting parts which fulfilled the criteria of phtytotelmata, and seven types of phytotelmata were identified namely leaf axils, tree holes, tree stumps, fallen spathe, open fruit shells, fallen leaves, and flower spathes. There are ten species of mosquito larvae found, with Aedes albopictus is predominant. The Shannon-Wiener diversity index of the phytotelmata is lowest in June (1.50) compared with that of in February (2.13), March (2.07) or May (2,31). Interestingly, the diversity index of mosquito larvae is highest in June (1.18) and lowest in March (0.71). Statistically, both phytotelmata diversity and mosquito diversity are not correlated with physical factors. In addition, the Shannon-Wiener diversity index of mosquito larvae it self is not correlated with the diversity index of phytotelmata. It is suggested that the mosquito diversity is not related to the divesity of phytotelmata.