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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-6 | Issue-02
Role of Ultrasonography and Laparoscopy in Chronic Pelvic Pain
Dr. Lata Rajoria, Dr. Hemlata Sharma, Dr. Neelam Bharadwaj, Dr. Lata ratanoo4, Dr. Pawan Agarwal
Published: Feb. 15, 2018 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2018.v06i02.007
Pages: 171-175
The study was proposed to evaluate chronic pelvic pain by ultrasonography and laparoscopy as chronic pelvic pain is a common gynecologic complaint that accounts for significant morbidity. The study was conducted in 350 women attending gynecology outpatient department with complaint of chronic pelvic pain. All selected cases were subjected to ultrasonography followed by laparoscopy. Mostly cases (61.4%) were of 20-30 year of age. Mostly cases were parous and presented within 6-12 months of onset of pelvic pain. Vaginal discharge was the most common associated complaint (22.9%). 65.4% cases had normal findings on ultrasonography. Laparoscopy diagnosed 80% cases and the most common diagnosis was pelvic inflammatory disease. Ultrasonography is simple and non-invasive approach to diagnose the cause of chronic pelvic pain as compared laparoscopy is more definitive approach and intervention can be planned in the same sitting.