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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-6 | Issue-02
Effect of Cytokinins on In vitro Propagation of Gynura procumbens (Lour) Merr
Z. Alizah, Y. Nurulaishah, A. Adilah
Published: Feb. 28, 2018 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2018.v06i02.018
Pages: 239-242
Two cytokinins, benzylaminopurine (BA) and kinetin were investigated for multiple shoot induction of Gynura procumbens (Lour.) Merr. Nodal segments of G. procumbens were cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) agar medium supplemented with BA or Kinetin at the concentration of 1- 10 mg/L. BA proved superior to kinetin in producing multiple shoots. Optimum adventitious shoot buds induction occurred at 4 mg/L BA where an average of 21 shoot buds were produced after 8 weeks of culture. Meanwhile, kinetin produced the highest shoots buds induction at 6 mg/L (19 shoots per explants). In vitro derived shoots were elongated on growth regulator-free MS medium and produced normal roots within two weeks of culture. The plantlets were grew well without any phenotypic aberrations. This protocol could be useful for germplasm conservation, cultivation, and genetic improvement of G. procumbens.