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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-6 | Issue-03
Measurement of Corrosivity Index of Waste Water Using Langelier Saturation Index, Larson Skold Index, Ryznar Stability Index And Puckorius Scalilng Index
Adewole E, Ojo A, Olagbemide P.T and Peter
Published: March 30, 2018 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2018.v06i03.010
Pages: 293-298
Waste water was collected from Warri Township, Delta state and corrosivity parameters were analyzed. Langelier Saturation Index (LSI) value was -2.5, the negative value of LSI suggest that the water would be under saturated with respect to carbonate and greater corrosive potential. Larson Skold Index (LSI) value was 0.90; this value fall in the range of 0.8 ˂˂index ˂˂ 1.2 indicating that sulphates and chlorides may interfere with natural film forming and higher than desired corrosion might be anticipated. Ryznar Stability Index (RSI) value was 11.64, the RSI attempt to correlate an empirical database of scale thickness and the high value recorded indicates mild corrosion becomes an increasing problem. Puckorius Scalilng Index (PSI) value indicated 10.98. The PSI attempts to quantify the relationship between the saturation state and scale formation. The Potential Soil Salinity (PSS) was 1.331. The high corrosive parameters have shown that the waste water requires further chemical treatment so as to make it safe for human purposes and aquatic life.