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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-06
Study on Incidence, Types and Treatment Options of Carcinoma Penis
Dr. S Shanmugam, Dr. Manoharan
Published: June 27, 2016 | 70 61
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2016.v04i06.010
Pages: 1919-1921
Carcinoma penis is a common malignancy. Accounting for upto 10% of all cancers in uncircumcised male population in Asian countries. Carcinoma penis is almost unheard of races like the jews, who practice neonatal Circumcision. A very low incidence occurs in Muslims who undergo circumcision at around school going age. Squamous cell carcinoma accounts for at least 90% of all penile malignancies. 5% is constituted by adeno carcinoma Rest 5% by melanoma, Basal cell carcinoma & Sarcoma. It usually presents in sixth decade of life. It could be prevented or diagnosed early in most cases. The aim of the Study is to analyze the incidence, types, presenting symptoms and treatment of carcinoma penis. During 2009 and 2010 for a period of two years, 33 cases were admitted for treatment of carcinoma all the 33 cases were studied in detail with detailed clinical examination and special investigations like skin tests, serology, culture and special stains were done only wherever required. Histopathological examination of the primary lesion was done. The maximum incidence age group is found to e 41 – 50 years. About 21 cases reported as a papillary variety and the rest 12 cases reported as a flat variety which means 64% of cases reported as a papillary one and the rest 16% as flat one. Patients of the 58% patients with flat variety had regional lymph node metastasis whereas 68% out of the papillary pattern had regional lymph node metastasis. The bulk of patients in this study presented primarily for a growth in penis in 85% of cases. The treatment for the primary cancer, depending on the extent of lesion in the penis, one of the following three surgeries was done.