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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-3 | Issue-01
To Study the X-Ray Services Provided in the OPD Complex of a Tertiary Care, Teaching and Research Institute of Northern India
Sukhbir Singh, Brijender Singh, Naveen Kumar, Latika, R.K.Yadav, Satpal Singh, C.S. Dhull
Published: Jan. 30, 2015 | 212 218
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2015.v03i01.014
Pages: 71-78
Radiological imaging services are very important in the treatment of patients. X-ray is one of the important radiological imaging services. The discovery of the properties of X-rays gave medical sciences one of its most potent and vital diagnostic tools. Radiography was started in the year1895 after the discovery of X-rays and ever since, it has become an essential part of any hospital system. The aim was to study the X-ray services provided in the OPD complex of a tertiary care, teaching and research institute of Northern India. The objectives were (a) To study the existing workload and infrastructure of X-ray section of Ch. Ranbir Singh OPD complex, (b) To study one month work load of X-ray section located in Ch. Ranbir Singh OPD complex and (c) To study the one month expenditure of X-ray section located in Ch. Ranbir Singh OPD complex. An observational study was carried out at the X-ray wing to assess the organizational structure, study of existing equipments and items involved in the functioning of the X-ray wing. It included the retrospective analysis of the record for the period of January 2013 to May 2014 and calculation of expenditure incurred on running X-ray services in OPD complex. Total number of patient registered for X-rays as outdoor patients for health care services were studied for one month (19 June 2014 to 18 July 2014) and work load was assessed. In prospective study, it was revealed that during the study period the X-ray facility was used for 26 days and total 5312 patients had availed the X ray facility. Total 6174 number of four different sizes of X ray films were used and out of them maximum consumption (33%) was attributed to 10*12 X ray films. The retrospective study of the workload was carried out for 17 months (i.e. Jan 2013 to May 2014). It was revealed that total 69855 numbers of patients had undergone X ray examination in the seventeen months and total 83692 number of X ray films were used on these patients..........