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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-3 | Issue-01
Homology-Based Functional Relationships of Uncharacterized G8 Protein of Homo sapiens
Padma Saxena
Published: Jan. 30, 2015 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2015.v03i01.020
Pages: 108-112
The G8 (for eight conserved glycine residues) domain is widely distributed, being found in Homo sapiens is analyzed by sequence similarity search using Blast and Clustal W. It reveals uncharacterized homologues, found in Pan troglodytes, Nomascus leucogenys , Pongo abelii and, Nomascus leucogenys. Data base searching results indicate that G8 protein of Homo sapiens is closely related to Pan troglodytes, Nomascus leucogenys , Pongo abelii and, Nomascus leucogenys. Phylogenetic analysis reveals that G8 protein of human shows maximum similarity with four uncharacterized protein of Pan troglodytes, Nomascus leucogenys , Pongo abelii and, Nomascus leucogenys. Discovery of G8 domain and its homologues will be important for the research of the structure/function of related proteins and beneficial for the development of novel therapeutics.