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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-3 | Issue-02
Effect of Hypothyroid State on Bone Metabolism and Renal Handling of Biochemical Parameters
Isha Malik, Ashuma Sachdeva, Veena S. Ghalaut, Jayeeta Badra, Lata Sangwan
Published: Feb. 28, 2015 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2015.v03i02.001
Pages: 120-123
Thyroid hormones (TH) are essential for a proper growth and development of the kidney. Hypothyroidism is one of the most common thyroid dysfunction causing remarkable changes in glomerular and tubular functions and electrolyte and water homeostasis. Hypothyroidism is found to be associated with decreased glomerular filtration, hyponatremia, and an alteration of the ability for water excretion. In turn, renal disease leads to significant changes in thyroid function. The present study was done to see the effects of hypothyroid state on body. This case-control study included total of 35 females and 15 males in the age group of 19-45years. The results were compared with 50 age and sex matched healthy controls. Patients suffering from hepatic disorders, renal disease, hyperthyroidism, any chronic illness and pregnant females were excluded from the study. All routine renal parameters were estimated in serum samples of these 50 newly diagnosed patients of hypothyroidism. The patients of hypothyroidism were found to be suffering from hyponatremia 68%, hypokalemia 37% and hypocalcemia 71%. It was also observed that the levels of urea, magnesium and creatinine were raised significantly as compared to controls. It was concluded that hypothyroid state is associated with marked derarrangements in biochemical as well as various endocrine and bone metabolic parameters. Therefore, regular monitoring of these parameters is important in patients of hypothyroidism.