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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-3 | Issue-02
Analyzing the Sustainability of Mangrove Management with Wanamina System in Coastal Blanakan Subang, West Java
Endy Handayani, Sulistiono, Niken T.M Pratiwi
Published: Feb. 28, 2015 | 177 127
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2015.v03i02.003
Pages: 128-138
Mangrove becomes main ecosystem that the more important supporting life in coastal regions. Subang regency is one of areas in West Java that still has mangrove region. The result of data analysis LANDSAT-TM Multitemporal that show in the period 1988-1992 had happened mangrove areas reduction (of 2.087,7 ha to be 958,2 ha) that caused by activities of land conversion including the expansion of fishpond areas, while the addition of board (to 3.074,3 ha) in the period 1992-1995 that show the successes of social forestry which was conducted through tumpang sari fishpond/wanamina/silvofishery.The utilization of mangrove for wanamina in the regency of Subang is currently undergoing rapid development so that required assessment of the sustainability of resources and against efforts have been done in wanamina. One of tools used to evaluate the sustainability of mangrove management with wanamina system is Rapid Appraisal for Fisheries (RAPFISH) that is a method of assessment of the sustainability of fisheries based on multidimensional scaling. The objectives this study were (a) to calculate the level of business feasibility with wanamina system, and (b) to determine the status of sustainability of mangrove management with wanamina system in coastal Blanakan, Subang. The study was conducted in coastal Langensari village Blanakan district Subang Regency, Province of West Java for three months in October until December 2014. Wanamina activities conducted in coastal Langensari has a level feasibility is quite effective and efficient.........