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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-3 | Issue-03
Analysis about Seasonal Dissimilarity of Endophytic Bacteria Isolated from different Indigenous Plants
Ruby Jalgaonwala, Raghunath Mahajan
Published: March 31, 2015 | 168 140
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2015.v03i03.008
Pages: 278-283
Bacterial endophyte infect host plant without causing any detectable symptoms, these groups of bacteria are generally persistent. In all fifteen Indigenous plants were selected for isolation of endophytic bacteria. About 250 total bacterial endophytes were isolated as, 74 were from root, 88 from stem, and 88 from leaf tissues. Information obtained was evaluated and analysis proves that endophytes are not much affected by climatic conditions and are capable to survive inside host plants.