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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-3 | Issue-04
Thermal Analysis of head with Exposure to Electromagnetic Mobile Waves
Shahrokh Shojaeil, Nasser Fatouraeil, Gholamreza Ataei
Published: April 30, 2015 | 204 202
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2015.v03i04.006
Pages: 355-360
The progressive use of cell phones has obliged the researchers to find out proper methods for extraction of radiating pattern and electromagnetic field effects on some part soft he body such as head. The most primitive and outstanding effect of electromagnetic waves on the head is temperature increase. For this reason this paper is looking for advantageous methods for handling the heat transfer problem with special attention to biological characteristics of head. This study was conducted at Department of Biomedical Fluid Mechanics Research Laboratory Biomedical Engineering Faculty, Amir kabir University of Technology(Tehran Polytechnic),Tehran, Iran2014 For this purpose, first by use of a steady finite difference method, the specific absorption rate (SAR) was calculated in a schematic simulated geometry of head and then head thermal contours were derived by using beneficial fluid and thermal equations. In this paper thermal effect to mobile electromagnetic waves was assessed. Maximum temperature increase was determined for 2 different frequencies. For both of them the maximum temperature increase was in the safe region. According to standard communication committee criteria temperature increase of 0.6° K is the ultimate limit for 10 grams SAR. In addition the SAR value scan is regarded. The major point is the application of bio heat equation that considers the biological aspects of the head. In other word, by calculating the SAR, it is possible to derive thermal contours.