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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-06
Study of clinical profile, etiology and immediate outcome in Non-traumatic coma in children
Shah Rajesh, Masavkar Sanjeevani, Seth Ronak, Sakharkar Sachin
Published: June 28, 2016 | 56 44
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2016.v04i06.029
Pages: 2012-2019
Etiology of coma and clinical status at the time of presentation are likely predictors of outcome in cases of non-traumatic coma. The present study included of clinical profile, etiology of non-traumatic coma and immediate outcome in terms of survival and death in pediatric patients.This was prospective hospital based cohort study undertaken over a period of one year. A detailed history of all patients were taken and entered in case proforma. A complete clinical examination of patients was done. The etiology of coma was determined and the diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis was done. The data was analyzed using statistical software SPSS version 16. The clinical data was analyzed for the etiology of non-traumatic coma.Thirty one children survived and 19 died with mortality rate of 38%. Among survivors 20 (64%) were normal, 11(36%) had some disability (23%) mild disability, 10% moderately and 3% severely disabled. From the study, we got infections as the important cause of non-traumatic coma.