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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-06
A Study of Risk Factors for Climatic Droplet Keratopathy in Elderly Persons from Western Rajasthan
Dr Avisha Mathur, Dr Arvind Chauhan
Published: June 28, 2016 | 74 45
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2016.v04i06.033
Pages: 2032-2034
Climatic Droplet Keratopathy is an acquired degeneration of cornea. It is characterised by the deposition of amber coloured oily spherules at and around the Bowman’s membrane of the cornea. The disease occurs in areas where exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light is excessive. Climatic droplet Keratopathy is a common ocular morbidity in this part of country. Intense sunshine, excess UV radiation, micro trauma due to wind borne particles, extremes of high or low temperature, aridity, malnutrition and genetic factors were incriminated as the etiological factors for the development of Climatic Droplet Keratopathy. We studied about the relation of Climatic Droplet Keratopathy to age, sex, laterality, familial pattern and working hours in sunlight. Climaticdropletkeratopathymaybepreventedbywearing UV blocking sunglasses in areas of sand and dust. Side protectors of the sunglasses may have to be placed to preventexposureto environmental irritants.