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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-06
Clinical Study of Pterygium and Management of Recurrent Pterygium
Dr. Shikha, Dr. P.K. Chhawania
Published: June 29, 2016 | 62 51
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2016.v04i06.054
Pages: 2133-2136
Pterygium is very common ocular surface disorder. Usually develops in persons with outdoor activities. This pterygium develops and encroaches over the cornea and disturbs vision. The persons with pterygium complain of redness. Foreign body sensation and watering of the eye. The medical treatment of pterygium is of very little value. The surgical treatment is the mainstay treatment. Various surgical techniques are applied to treat pterygium viz. D’Ombrien bare sclera technique, pterygium resection with amniotic membrane transplantation and conjunctival limbal autografts. Satisfactory results can be achieved by applying these techniques with lesser recurrence. The study suggests male’s preponderance over females with low socioeconomic status. Recurrence is seen more in patients treated with D’Ombrien technique with bare sclera over other techniques.