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Cross-Currents: An International Peer-Reviewed Journal on Humanities & Social Sciences | Volume-9-Issue-05
June 7, 2023 | Original Research Article
220 220 View Article 
Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Mothers regarding the Nutrition of Children from 6 to 59 Months in the Urban Commune of Koniakary (MALI)
Boubacar Niare, Chaka Keita, Mamadou B Coulibaly, Mamadou Keita, Samou Diarra, Kadiatou Ba, Sidi Toure, Ouazoum Coulibaly, Abdramane Traore, Oumar Diallo, Momine Traore, Hamadoun Sangho, Mamadou Dembe
Cross Current Int Peer Reviewed J Human Soc Sci | 63-68
DOI : 10.36344/ccijhss.2023.v09i05.001
220 220 View Article 
June 26, 2023 | Review Article
248 259 View Article 
The Hottest Radical Pre-Colonial and Colonial Massacred of Native Muslim Algerians in the Maghrebians under 74 Changing Portfolios of Diplomatic Agents of Intensive Manipulations of Exploration, Exproriation and Exploitation (3Es) from Early 19th to Mid-20th Centuries
Pr. Njuafac Kenedy Fonju
Cross Current Int Peer Reviewed J Human Soc Sci | 69-86
DOI : 10.36344/ccijhss.2023.v09i05.002
248 259 View Article