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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-5-Issue-01
Jan. 30, 2018 | Original Research Article
115 115 View Article 
Observations on the Phenotyphic Characteristics and Management of Donkey in Sokoto, Northwestern Nigeria
Ahmed A, Sanusi M, Sanka JI, Sani AM
Sch J Agric Vet Sci | 1-5
DOI : 10.36347/sjavs.2018.v05i01.001
115 115 View Article 
Jan. 30, 2018 | Original Research Article
115 112 View Article 
The Influence of Organizational Learning Capability and Organizatinal Culture on Organizational Performance of Fruit Chips MSMEs in Batu
Putri Rizky Amelia, Budi Setiawan, Agustina Shinta
Sch J Agric Vet Sci | 6-14
DOI : 10.36347/sjavs.2018.v05i01.002
115 112 View Article 
Jan. 30, 2018 | Original Research Article
116 113 View Article 
The Relationship between Organic Matter in Subsoil and Fusarium Wilt of Banana
Liu Yuelian, Zhou Yuhan, Lv Qingfan
Sch J Agric Vet Sci | 15-17
DOI : 10.36347/sjavs.2018.v05i01.003
116 113 View Article 
Jan. 30, 2018 | Original Research Article
110 114 View Article 
Inhibitory Effect of Some Plant Extracts in The Control of Bacterial Leaf Spot Pathogen of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench)
Opara Emma Umunna, Onuoha, Chioma Progress
Sch J Agric Vet Sci | 18-22
DOI : 10.36347/sjavs.2018.v05i01.004
110 114 View Article 
Jan. 30, 2018 | Original Research Article
116 112 View Article 
Food Security in Sabah: An Overview for Rice Self Sufficient Target
Rafiq Idris
Sch J Agric Vet Sci | 23-26
DOI : 10.36347/sjavs.2018.v05i01.005
116 112 View Article 
Jan. 30, 2018 | Original Research Article
115 112 View Article 
Genetic Variability and Phenotypic Corelation between Yield and Yield Components in Nineteen Chick pea (Cicer arietinum L.) Genotypes, Sudan
Atif Elsadig Idris, Atif Ibrahim Abuali, Hussein Hassan Saad, Amel Adam Mohamed, and Khalid A. Mohamed
Sch J Agric Vet Sci | 27-31
DOI : 10.36347/sjavs.2018.v05i01.006
115 112 View Article 
Jan. 30, 2018 | Original Research Article
116 110 View Article 
Application Various Types of Mulch on Growth and Yield of two Potatoes (Solanum Tuberosum L) Planted in Medium Altitude
Carlito de Araujo, Setyono Y. Tyasmoro, Mochammad Dawam Maghfoer
Sch J Agric Vet Sci | 32-36
DOI : 10.36347/sjavs.2018.v05i01.007
116 110 View Article 
Jan. 30, 2018 | Original Research Article
116 110 View Article 
Effect of Fermented Putak Waste toward Broiler Performance
Daniel Soares, Irfan H. Djunaidi, Halim Natsir
Sch J Agric Vet Sci | 37-42
DOI : 10.36347/sjavs.2018.v05i01.008
116 110 View Article 
Jan. 30, 2018 | Original Research Article
114 112 View Article 
Effect of Heat Processing on the physical Properties of the Brown Seaweed (Ascophyllum nodosum)
Zahzahan A. Alasaeti , Muftah A. EL Feituri, Ambarka Eid H. Kreim
Sch J Agric Vet Sci | 43-50
DOI : 10.36347/sjavs.2018.v05i01.009
114 112 View Article