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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-5 | Issue-11
Comparative Thermal Analysis of Aluminum Alloy and Mild Steel for the Development of the Cascade of a Transformer
Asha Saturday, Felix Omeanenemeh Patricks, Ogbe Blessing Omokwudu, Erukpe Aluhumile Peter, Ageh A. Terna
Published: Nov. 30, 2017 | 172 77
DOI: 10.36347/sjet.2017.v05i11.001
Pages: 602-613
This work investigates thermal evaluation between two materials-aluminum alloy and mild steel for the development and fabrication of the cascade of a transformer. The ingenuity behind this comparative analysis on thermal performance of these two materials is saddled on the reoccurrence of transformers failures in the recent times especially in the tropics. A fair normal ambient temperature is favourable because it acts as heat sink but a scenario where the ambient temperature and the transformer temperatures are too close, it become dangerous to the operating conditions of this electrical device. A fast heat dissipation medium is needed to optimize cooling for the coils of the transformer. A model of cascaded transformer is developed using Creo Element and built with Ansys Work Bench to analyze aluminiun alloy and carbon steel AISI 1095. Properties of these material were carefully selected using a material reasource base software- Granta 2011©. The steady and transient thermal analysis for carbon steel AISI 1095 with maximum -temperature distribution of 96.325oC ,and total heat flux 1.9463×〖10〗^6 W⁄(m C) on a steady analysis and maximum temperature of 114.62C and toatal heat flux of 1.7172×〖10〗^6 W⁄m C and cast aluminum alloy with maximum -temperature distribution of 96.344oC ,and total heat flux 8.9827×〖10〗^6 W⁄(m C) on a steady analysis and maximum temperature of 114.65C and toatal heat flux of 6.793×〖10〗^6 W⁄m C . Comparatively, aluminum alloy will perform better than carbon steel AISI 1095.