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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-6 | Issue-05
Efficiency Losses of a Modern Loom with Analytical Explanation
Nurunnabi, Kazi Nazmul Islam, Tanim Ahmed, Kazi Rakib Hasan Shuvo, Mohadab Chandra Roy, Salim Sadman, M. Ahasan Habib
Published: May 30, 2018 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet.2018.v06i05.001
Pages: 147-161
In this study, the authors were carried out to find out some parameters that strongly effect on loom efficiency of Air-jet and Rapier loom and also find some possible solution to increases loom efficiency. Here loom efficiency affected by parameters as weaver’s skill, loom speed, weave structure, pick density and R.H%, loom allocation per weaver, size take up %, tension on warp etc. Fabric quality, as well as production, depends not only preparatory process such as winding, warping & sizing, also depends on loom shed efficiency. A large proportion of weaving cost has found during conversion of yarn to fabric. Its shown that about 60% to 70% cost during conversion of yarn to the fabric can be minimized by using the modern preparatory machine and loom as rapier, projectile & jet. A small portion of increasing loom efficiency increase production and decrease total cost of production. Increasing loom efficiency also reduces wastage found in the weaving mills.