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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-6 | Issue-11
Fatigue Analysis for Copper M1, Aluminum alloys D16 and AMg2N at Elevated Temperature
Adel Rachid, Surgy Belsky, Mourtada Srour
Published: Nov. 30, 2018 | 186 96
DOI: 10.36347/sjet.2018.v06i11.005
Pages: 339-343
The fatigue durability of copper M1, aluminum alloys D16 and AMg2N was investigated at room elevated temperatures (293 K-673 K) and at remarkable frequencies (copper M1 at 8.8 KHz and 0.2 KHz, D16 at 8.8 KHz, and AMg2N at 8.8 KHz). Experimental studies were performed at different frequencies on copper M1, aluminum alloys D16 and AMg2N for establishing the influence of high test temperatures, the kinetics of micro -hardness and micro –strain, and dislocation density on fatigue characteristics. The effect of the test temperature on the performance of endurance limits was conducted. The experimental results revealed that the increase of temperature has no influence on the fatigue curve forms; however, it shows a monotonic decrease in the fatigue durability tests. The property of fatigue curves certainly at elevated temperature does not change at remarkable frequencies and tests, suggesting the potential use of the test at high frequencies for low frequency definitions fatigue properties at different temperatures. Test results of aluminum alloys demonstrate that the monotonic increase in temperature decrease the fatigue performance on all tested data.