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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-7 | Issue-04
Numerical Simulations of Flow field in a Duct with Finite Rate Chemistry
R.C Mehta, P. Anoop
Published: April 30, 2019 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet.2019.v07i04.003
Pages: 117-126
For the past two decades, supersonic combustion ramjets and scramjets have received considerable attention to evaluate its performance employing numerical and experimental techniques. One area of active interest is the numerical simulation of chemically reacting flows where the chemical time scales can be same as or very different from fluid time scales. Such a range of time scales, referred to as stiffness, can create computational difficulties. This feature is particularly prevalent in the flame holder region of scramjet engine. Stiffness in the system of governing chemically reacting flows typically arises from the source terms in the equations describing the production and loss of the chemical species. Large values for these source terms are producing rapid changes in the dependent variables. The stiff source terms in the system of equations governing chemically reacting flow evaluated implicitly. Therefore, source terms are written implicitly at the new time level in the integration time-step. Other terms in the governing fluid dynamics equations that do not lead to stiffness are evaluated explicitly. Four inlet ramp angles are considered in present numerical simulation. The influence of the ramp angle on pressure and temperature are investigated for inlet Mach number 2.5. The aim of the present paper is to numerically analyze supersonic combustion flowfield involving chemical reaction between injecting hydrogen and a supersonic surrounding.