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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-7 | Issue-05
Simulation of the Random Load of 1/4 Vehicle Model Based on the Harmonic Superposition Method
Xie Guoliang, Zhang Bin, Li Yanyang, Liu Jinyun
Published: May 30, 2019 | 204 103
DOI: 10.36347/sjet.2019.v07i05.003
Pages: 174–179
The vehicle have the additional dynamic load on the road because of the incentive of the road roughness. In order to get accurate and true results, the vehicle load must be assumed as a random load. In this paper, the vehicle load is assumed as an ergodic and stationary random process. According to the power spectral density of the vehicle load, the vehicle load is simulated by using the harmonic superposition method. And the trend of the random load of the two vehicles under three driving speeds and three road grades are analyzed respectively. Results show that with the increase of the vehicle speed, amplitudes of the vehicle random load increase obviously, and the spatial frequency is reduced, and the frequency increase. With the reduction of road grade, the amplitude and the standard deviation of the road random load increase.