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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-4 | Issue-01
Study Using Natural Ingredients in Polluted Water Filtration in the prototype SPL Up flow
Jimmy Lolowang, Bobby Polii, Wieske Rotinsulu
Published: Jan. 30, 2016 | 288 148
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2016.v04i01.012
Pages: 76-80
The research objective was to determine the effectiveness of the use of natural materials as filter and effectiveness of the thickness of the filter in the filtration of water contaminated with upflow SPL prototype equipment based on the parameters of physics, chemistry and microbiology. This study is an experiment that is descriptive. Analysis of the data referring to the parameters of physics, chemistry and microbiology as many as eight parameters, physical parameters: TDS, TSS and turbidity, chemical parameters: BOD, COD, DO and pH, microbiological parameters: total coliforms. Sugiarto data analysis using the formula to calculate the effectiveness of filtration based on the type of filter (Ef) and the thickness of the filter (EKF) and the average formula. Results of the study the effectiveness of this type of filter for physical parameters: TDS and TSS turbidity more effectively with sand filters that average percentage is respectively 40.50%, 36.34% and 48.82%; for chemical parameters (BOD, COD and DO) turned out to use sand filters are also more effective with a percentage of 42.11%, 41.52% and 8.89%, except for the parameters pH where the use of charcoal filters slightly more effective with only 6.48 percentage %; for microbiological parameters (Total Coliform) turned out to be the use of filter fiber / fibers more effectively with the percentage of 40.16%. While based on the effectiveness of the thickness of the filter for physical parameters (TDS and TSS) more effective use of filter sand with a percentage of 17.11% and 25.00%, except for turbidity where the use of a charcoal filter is more effective with a percentage of 32.38%; for chemical parameters (BOD and COD) appeared more effective use charcoal filters with a percentage respectively 12.35% and 11.52%, whereas the DO and pH parameters that slightly more effective use of sand with a percentage of 8.61% respectively and 1.00%;