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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-3 | Issue-04
The Medieval City of Berat and Iconography in the Post-Byzantine Period: a historical overview
Stefanka Kokoli
Published: April 30, 2015 | 376 259
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2015.v03i04.009
Pages: 881-887
The history of cities in the course of centuries represents one of the essential components of people’s history. As an epicenter of great social, cultural and economic movements cities have always attracted the attention of the historical sciences’s schoolars. With a millenia long permanence and a rich and interesting history, Berat represents one of the most prominent examples of the Albanian civilization among centuries. Of course, the study of the years-long history of this city would require a great amount of time and work. A situation this, which surpasses the borders of a monography. For this reason, we are concentrated only in a segment of history, precisely in the features of the ecclesiastical iconographic art of the city of Berat in the XVI – XIX century. The causes which have dictated such a thing are linked even with the existence of a considerably rich documentation regarding this period. Berat, one of the most prominent centers of the Albanian civilization throughout history, is laced in an important geostrategical position. The strong sorrounding walls show that the dawn of an authentic settlement began in the IV century BC. Thus this city, founded before 2400 years exactly where Osum valley begins to widen towards the Myzeqe lowland, is distinguished about the uninterrupted continuance of the urban life. Also the city has been and is one the cities which has continuosly attracted the attention of different scholars especially those of the byzantine and post-byzantine art. Berat was and remains the greatest Museum in Albania. The city preserves cultural monuments of all genres and centuries. Regarding monuments realted to the cult, we find evidence since the early paleochristian contructions, medieval churches and mosques........