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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-8 | Issue-05
Impact of Digitalization on Pharma Marketing and Sales Promotion
Sanchita Dhiman, Rakhi Ahuja
Published: May 30, 2019 | 268 129
DOI: 10.21276/sajp.2019.8.5.8
Pages: 219-223
Digital marketing relates to the usage of different channels on the digital platform to reach the potential buyers via channels like: social media marketing, multimedia advertising, websites and online search engines. Digital Pharma Marketing encompasses all the digital channels and tools used for promotion of a drug or a service. Digital pharma promotional tools not only are effective but also save time, are more informative and convenient and also reduce paper cost. With the advancement of digital pharma marketing there is an ease of communication between the patients, doctors and the healthcare organizations. This article focuses on evaluating the various kinds of Conventional and Digital marketing and promotional tools, their advantages and disadvantages and its impact on pharmaceutical industry