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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-11 | Issue-06
Solid Waste Audit and Characterization Study at Tuensang Town Nagaland
Nohochem Sangtam
Published: June 19, 2023 | 365 279
DOI: 10.36347/sjet.2023.v11i06.002
Pages: 127-138
Today scenario improper waste management causes serious pollution and health risk, which is the main concerning environmental management in developing countries. In most cities, the use of open dumps is common for the disposal of wastes, resulting in soil and water resource contamination. The study carried from March to May 2023.A Total of 30 households were studied for data collection (210 samples) from three types of family, low income, medium income and high income family using the random sample, out of 15 wards,8 wards were used for the sample selection. The study shows that the majority of the residents are very much concerned about the poor condition of the environment due to the inappropriate and improper SWM in Tuensang town. The residents are not much satisfied with the service of the town council in regard with SWM dumping in the hearts of Tuensang. There is no scientific engineered solid waste disposal site in the Tuensang town and the results can be a starting point in planning for such. This paper give the total waste generation in the household level, weekly and yearly per capita per day and and also give the types of solid waste generation in the town. Based on the findings of the study, researcher proposes that district and town needs to provide proper solid waste segregation awareness to the general citizen to every household. It may also encouraged citizens not to dispose of their household wastes randomly.