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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-9 | Issue-06
Trichoepithelioma of Upper Eyelid: A Case Report
Sumit Jain, Nikhil Makkar, Chetan Singla, Ashutosh Talwar
Published: June 26, 2023 | 222 146
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs.2023.v09i06.022
Pages: 603-605
Solitary trichoepithelioma is a rare benign adnexal tumour of hair follicles, especially over the upper eyelid. Reconstruction in these cases has not been discussed in the literature. We are reporting a case of a 60-year-old male patient with trichoepithelioma of the upper eyelid involving 70% of the upper eyelid which was managed by primary closure; thus avoiding unnecessary extensive and time-consuming reconstructive procedures.