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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-1 | Issue-04
Hypospadia and Urethral Diverticulum in a Female Pseudohermaphrodite Calf
A.A.A. Abd-El-Hady, Mouchira M. Mohi El-Din
Published: April 30, 2014 | 263 169
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2014.v01i04.026
Pages: 288-292
A five- month old crossbred calf weighing about 120 kg referred to The Surgery Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, South Valley University, Egypt, with a complaint of dysuria, stranguria accompanying perineal swelling. A fluctuant swelling was palpated in the midperineal region. Since iatrogenic interference a multiple skin sores were seen on the diverticulum along with subcutaneous leaking fluctuating pocket on aspiration revealed pus. Urine outflow from a tiny orifice presented at the proposed natural site of the vulva. Dissection of skin diverticulum revealed hypoplastic penis with adhesion of the preputeal sheath along with penile hypospadia. Permanent perineal urethrostomy and diverticulectomy was performed in the region of the defect. Finally, the urethral layer was sutured with the skin using 2-0 Mersilk sutures in a simple interrupted pattern. The urethrostomy site appeared to be healed without any complications and the animal was reported to be urinating properly. Histopathological examination revealed thick layers of the diverticulum, declared female pseudohermaphroditism, in which complete structure of penis with inflamed urethral opening was noticed adhered to the structure of female urethra.