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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-2 | Issue-04
Clinical observations on some surgical udder and teat affections in cattle and buffaloes
A.A.A. Abd-El-Hady
Published: May 30, 2015 | 242 210
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2015.v02i04.001
Pages: 270-281
The study was carried out on a total number of 360 dairy animal, 275 dairy cow and 85 buffalo during the period from Jan. 2010 to March 2015. All the cases were private cases seen in the villages of Damietta and in veterinary convoys held in villages of Upper Egypt. The udder affections included: Deep wounds ( 5(1.4%) , 1(0.28%) ); Heamatoma ( 20(5.6%) ,7(1.9%) ); Abscesses ( 21(5.83%) ,0 ); Gangrenous mastitis ( 36(10%) , 0 ) and ruptured suspensory ligaments ( 10(2.8%) , 0 ), while the teat lesions included: Anomalies ( 50(13.9%) , 5(1.4%) ); Wounds ( 18(5%) , 0); Stenosis ( 50(13.9%) , 15 ); Obstructions (70 , 15 ); Ulcerative thelitis ( 0 , 33(9.5%) ) and teat cistern dilatation ( 3 , 9) in cattle and buffaloes, respectively. The appropriate medicinal and surgical management was undertaken for each case with uneventful results. It was concluded that, udder and teat affections are relatively variable between cattle and buffaloes with less frequent occurrence in buffaloes, perhaps due to specific anatomical and physiological criteria of the buffalo udder along with the special environmental peculiarities under Egyptian relations.