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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-11 | Issue-10
Antifungal Activity of Solanum Anguivi Lam (Solanaceae) on Candida Albicans
Ouattara Sitapha, Kporou Kouassi Elisée, Kra Adou Koffi Mathieu, Appia Franck Hermann Desire, YAPO Adou Francis, Djaman Allico Joseph
Published: Oct. 27, 2023 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2023.v11i10.009
Pages: 375-380
In Ivory Coast, as elsewhere in Africa, Solanum anguivi Lam (or Solanum distichum) is generally used in traditional medicine to treat bacterial and fungal infections. Given the importance of this plant, the 70%, 80% and 100% extracts of fresh and dried fruits were evaluated on the in vitro growth of Candida albicans. Antifungal tests were carried out by plating 1000 cells of each isolate on Sabouraud agar medium, using the double dilution method in inclined tubes. Both extracts were active on the different strains tested, according to a dose-response relationship based on the principle of the method used. Extracts from fresh fruit showed good activity on C. albicans.