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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-7 | Issue-02
Effects of Yoga on “Leptin-The Satiety Hormone” In the Fight against the Global Threat-“Obesity”
Dr. Gayathri Dilliraj, Dr.B.Shanthi, Dr.V.S.Kalai Selvi
Published: Feb. 28, 2019 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2019.v07i02.005
Pages: 66-69
Background: According to the WHO, Obesity is one of the commonest, yet among the most neglected stigmatized, public health problem of this century. In the adipose tissue which is a highly metabolically active tissue, the Adipokines (Leptin, Adiponectin, etc) have been proved to play a significant role. Yoga has been used as one of the simplest, cost effective tools in the treatment of obesity in the global scale. Aim & objective: To establish the effects of yoga (suryanamaskar) on influencing the metabolic activity of Adipokine (leptin) & it’s potential against obesity. Methods: It is a hospital based Correlative Study carried out in S.B.M.C.H, the purpose of which was to analyse the effects of yoga on serum leptin levels in the obese. 30 obese student volunteers in the age group of 17-19yrs without any known complications were selected as subjects. Before and after the yoga training (i.e after four weeks of yoga) we measured their serum leptin levels by ELISA in the central laboratory. Results: Decrease in leptin levels &decrease in their body mass index with a little balanced satiety levels were seen after practising yoga over a period of time. Thus the significant potential of yoga on the serum leptin levels has been proved in accordance with various other earlier studies. Conclusion: From this study it was concluded that, longer term/more intensive regular yoga practise does have beneficial health consequences against obesity by decreasing the serum leptin levels significantly?